Discovering your family history can be an enlightening and enriching experience. is a leading platform that enables users to trace their genealogy and explore their family tree. Activating your Ancestry account is the first step towards uncovering the stories and connections that have shaped your family’s past. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up and activating your Ancestry account so you can start your journey towards discovering your roots.
How To ActivateActivate Your Ancestry DNA Account
If you’re unsure about how to activate your Ancestry DNA kit, don’t worry. I’m here to guide you through the entire process. Not only that, but I will also show you how to easily check the status of your kit. Let’s dive into the steps without further delay.
Step 1: Purchase the AncestryDNA Kit
Before you can activate your AncestryDNA account, you will need to purchase the AncestryDNA kit. This kit can be bought online from the AncestryDNA website. The kit contains everything you need to provide a saliva sample for DNA testing. Once you have your kit, you can proceed with the activation process.
Step 2: Create an Ancestry Account
If you don’t already have an Ancestry account, you’ll need to create one.
- Visit
- Click on “Sign In” in the top right corner of the webpage.
- Click on “Sign Up Today” at the bottom of the login form.
- Fill in your name, email, and a password. Click on “Continue” to create your account.

If you already have an Ancestry account, simply sign in.
Step 3: Activate Your AncestryDNA Kit
To activate your AncestryDNA kit:
- Sign in to your Ancestry account.
- Go to the AncestryDNA activate page (
- Enter the 15-digit activation code from the collection tube in your kit. The activation code is unique to your kit and links your sample to your account. Make sure you don’t discard the tube until you’ve completed this step.
- Click on “Next” to proceed.

Step 4: Review and Consent to AncestryDNA Processing
- Read through the AncestryDNA Processing Consent. This consent allows AncestryDNA to process your DNA sample.
- If you agree to the terms, check the box to give your consent.
- Click on “Next” to proceed.

Step 5: Complete the Participant Information
- Fill in the details about the person taking the test. If you’re the one taking the test, select “I am taking the test”.
- If the test is for a minor or another adult, select “Another adult or a minor is taking the test” and fill in their details.
- Click on “Next” to proceed.
Step 6: Choose Whether to See Your Matches and Be Seen By Others
- AncestryDNA has a feature where they can show you matches with other people in the AncestryDNA database who share your DNA.
- If you want to see your DNA matches and be seen by others, select “Yes”.
- If you don’t want to see your DNA matches or be seen by others, select “No”.
- Click on “Next” to proceed.
Step 7: Confirm Your Activation Details
After you’ve entered all the necessary information, you will have the opportunity to review everything before finalizing the activation process.
- Carefully review the information you have entered for accuracy. This includes your activation code, participant information, and your choices for DNA matching.
- Confirm that all the details are correct. If you find any errors, you can go back to the previous steps and correct them.
- If all the information is accurate, proceed by clicking on “Next”. This will finalize the activation of your AncestryDNA kit.
Please remember that once the activation is complete, certain details, like the account the kit is activated on, can’t be changed. Therefore, it’s important to ensure all information is correct at this stage.

Step 8: Return Your Sample
- After activating your kit, the next step is to return your DNA sample to AncestryDNA. Follow the instructions in the kit to provide your saliva sample. Make sure not to eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum for 30 minutes before giving your saliva sample.
- Place the saliva sample in the prepaid package that came with your kit.
- Mail the package to AncestryDNA. The address is already printed on the prepaid package.
Step 9: Wait for Your Results
- Once AncestryDNA receives your DNA sample, they will send you an email to let you know they have received it.
- It typically takes about 6-8 weeks to process your DNA sample from the time AncestryDNA receives it.
- You can check the status of your sample at any time by signing in to your Ancestry account and visiting the DNA tab.

Step 10: Access and Understand Your Results
- Once your results are ready, AncestryDNA will send you an email. You can view your results by signing in to your Ancestry account and visiting the DNA tab.
- The results will provide insights into your ethnicity, DNA matches (if you chose to see your matches in step 6), and more. Take some time to understand your results. AncestryDNA provides a lot of resources to help you understand what your results mean.
Before the Ancestry DNA Test, Can You Drink Water?
Yes, you can drink water before taking the Ancestry DNA test. However, make sure to follow the specific instructions provided with the test kit.
How To Create an Ancestry Free Registered Guest Account?
To create a free registered guest account on Ancestry, visit their website and click on “Sign Up Today” at the bottom of the login form. Fill in the required information to create your account..
Can I Activate an Ancestry DNA Kit for Someone Else?
Yes, you can activate an Ancestry DNA kit for someone else. Visit the AncestryDNA activation page and follow the instructions to activate the kit on their behalf.
How To Upload Photos and Documents in Ancestry?
To upload photos and documents in Ancestry, go to a person’s profile in your family tree, click on “Gallery,” and select “Upload photos.” Choose the files from your system to upload them.
How To Reset Your Account Password?
To reset your account password, visit the login page, click on “Forgot password?” and follow the instructions to reset your password.
How To Delete a Family Tree on
To delete a family tree on, go to the tree’s settings, select “Delete Tree,” and follow the instructions to permanently delete the tree.
Is It Necessary To Brush the Teeth Before the DNA Test?
Brushing your teeth is not necessary before taking an Ancestry DNA test. However, avoid eating, drinking, smoking, or chewing gum for at least 30 minutes prior to the test.
What Is the Ancestry DNA Phone Number for Support?
For support regarding Ancestry DNA, you can contact their customer service at the phone number provided on give page.
Can a Husband and Wife Share an Ancestry Account?
Yes, a husband and wife can share an Ancestry account. They can both access and collaborate on their family tree within a single account.
Why Is My Ancestry Tree Not Showing Relationships?
If your Ancestry tree is not showing relationships, check that you have correctly linked individuals as family members and ensured that their relationships are accurately defined.
How To Fix Ancestry Activation Error Code 530?
If you encounter Ancestry activation error code 530, contact Ancestry support for assistance and visit this given url. They will guide you through the steps to resolve the issue.
How To View the Entire Family Tree on
To view the entire family tree on, navigate to your tree’s homepage and select the option to view the complete tree or all family members.
How To Print a Family Tree From Ancestry?
To print a family tree from Ancestry, access the tree, click on “Tree Settings,” and select the option to print or generate a printable version of the tree.
Where Is My Shoebox on Ancestry?
My Shoebox on Ancestry is a feature that allows you to store and view saved records, photos, and documents. It can typically be accessed from the main menu or navigation bar on Ancestry’s website.
How Do I Delete a Fact and Event on Ancestry?
To delete a fact or event on Ancestry, go to the individual’s profile, click on “Facts,” locate the fact or event you want to delete, and select the option to remove or delete it.
How To Save an Ancestry Hint to Another Person?
To save an Ancestry hint to another person, go to the individual’s profile, review the hint, and select the option to save or attach the hint to their profile.
How To Fix Ancestry “You Are Not Authorized To Access This Page” Error?
If you encounter the “You Are Not Authorized to Access This Page” error on Ancestry, try clearing your browser cache and cookies or accessing the page from a different browser.
How To Copy Someone Else’s Tree on
While it’s not possible to directly copy someone else’s tree on, you can manually add information by referring to the other tree and conducting your own research. Telephone (Toll Free) Number
The activation process is very simple as can one can do itself without taking the help of the others. But still, you have any issue or problem while doing the activation then you can simple contact to ancestry phone number any time.
Service | Toll-Free Telephone Number |
---|---| | 800-262-3787 |
This covers everything you need to know about activating your Ancestry account. With this guide, you should be able to successfully register your account on through to test your Ancestry DNA. The best part? You’ll receive the results directly in your email, eliminating the need for a lab visit. All that’s required is activating your account. If you encounter any issues or errors, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the phone number provided above. We’re here to help resolve any problems and guide you through the process.