How to Save An Ancestry Hint To Another Person

While searching for ancestry hints on your tree, if you find hints for wrong person then you can connect the records associated with that hints to the right person.

How To Move Ancestry Hint To Another Person in Listed in Record

  • From the displayed hints, click “Review” on a hint that you would like to attach to other person.
  • On the details page of ancestry records, search for the name of person with you want to attach the record and tap on their name. If the name is not available there, or if you see the name without hyperlink press on skip to the next section.
  • At the page where the list is available with correct person’s name on top, press Save and choose Save to someone in your tree” from the shown drop-down menu.
  • Now start typing the correct person’s name and select from the menu drop-down listed there. If you would like to add a new person to the tree and connect that record to the person, tap on Add this to a New person”
  • Press Attach”.
  • Review the details, edit any facts that you want to change, and press on Save to your tree”. Check the selection box available next to information from record that you need to attach to the person. Facts that states “Different” beside them are different in the record from the details that are already listed in the family tree. If other people are also listed in the record, review their specific information by scrolling down.

How To Attach Ancestry Hints To A Person Not Listed In The Record

If the right person name is listed in the record information, but it is not a hyperlink, then you should search the records available on and link it to the correct person but you would not allowed to do it through the hint itself.  Collect the information listed in the particular record, and then do a search using that information. You can narrow down the search to your record type using card catalog.

If the right people name is not available in the listed records details but the name is in the record itself.

  • Through the record detail page. Tap on Add alternate information”.
  • From the menu that shows, press Choose” and then “Name”.
  • In under reason section, tap on Choose” and select your reason. If the name is incorrect, choose Transcription error”.
  • Enter the right name in the mandatory name fields and then tap on Submit Alternate”.
  • Press the Search tab from the top of ancestry page and choose All collections” (or any specific database type fits that record, choose that option).
  • Enter the required information from the record that was available in the ancestry hint. Use the (incorrect) name that’s listed on the record information page, and not any alternate name you entered.
  • From the search results list, tap on the record that was given in the hints.
  • Through the record detail page, press Save” and choose Save to someone in your tree”.
  • Type the name of right person and select from the listed drop-down menu. If you would like to add a new person to family tree and attach the record to them, press Add this to a new person”
  • Tap on “Attach”.
  • Review the details, edit any facts that you would like to change, and tap Save to your tree”. The alternate name you have filled will be shown in the left for the records. After saving the records to your family tree, you can see it from the source tab of profile page of the person.

Final words

You can help someone by adding the hints you find attached incorrectly to a person by connecting them with right people. Our guide provides useful information by which you can save ancestry hints to the right people in someone else’s tree. Please share your feedback if you feel this article helpful.

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