Now you can activate the ancestry DNA kit for any person. It may be your family member or even your partner also. But make sure that it will activate only with the help of the email address only and for one account, one email address is used. You just need to send the invitation with the help of the email by just click on the signup. Now here you will get more information regarding the activation of any person.
How To Activate Ancestry DNA Kit For Someone Else
Children or the Adult are the ones can create account of the ancestry on the side of the other adult. So you need to manage the test only on that account. Even if you take the membership, then it will not transfer to another account. If you want to access the amazing and the interesting features that you will get from taking the membership then you need to manage someone else test on your account. Make sure that your account should have the membership. The person who takes the test should agree to the conditions and the statement of the privacy that they are offering to you. So the adults needed to activate there own kits by just creating the account.
Step 1: Locate the activation code: Find the 15-digit activation code on the collection tube or in the DNA kit instructions.

Step 2: Visit the activation page: Go to the AncestryDNA activation page ( and sign in with your Ancestry account.
Step 3: Select “Someone Else”: On the activation page, choose the option “Someone Else” when asked whom the test is for.
Step 4: Enter your name: As the person activating the kit for someone else, enter your name as the one managing the test.
Step 5: Provide the test taker’s information: Fill in the required details about the person taking the test, such as their name, birth year, and gender.
Step 6: Review and accept the terms and conditions: Read the AncestryDNA Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement. Check the box to confirm that you’ve read and accepted the terms, and that you have permission to manage the test for the other person.
Step 7: Complete the activation process: Click “Next” and follow any remaining prompts to finish activating the AncestryDNA kit.
This method allows someone else to manage the AncestryDNA testing process while ensuring the privacy and rights of the test taker are respected. It’s a testament to AncestryDNA’s commitment to providing a service that balances convenience and privacy. Moreover, users can also explore the possibility of adding someone else’s tree on Ancestry to expand their research and gain more insights into their family history, further enhancing the overall genealogy experience.
How To Send The Ancestry Activation Invitation For Someone Else
Just to send the invitation is not a very big task. Now, I am going to share the step by step so that you can easily invite anyone to activate the account easily. Well, without wasting the single second, just look at the steps-
Step 1: In the very first step, you have to click on the “sign-in” option and need to sign in to the account of the ancestry. If you have signed to someone else and then you have to click on the “sign-in“ just to activate your DNA kit.
Step 2: After that on the page of the Enter code, you have to click on the “activating kit for another adult”.
Step 3: Now on another activate page of the adult, you need to enter the email address of the test takers and just click on the “Send activation invitation”. Make sure that you don’t need to enter your own email address here. You have to enter the personal email address who is taking the DNA test.

Step 4: You will get the invitation by email just to activate their test. In case you have the account of the ancestry then you have to click on the “sign-in” option. If you don’t have the account of the ancestry then you have to click on the Sign up to get started which is created for free.
Can I Activate More Than One DNA Kit on My Ancestry Account?
Yes, you can activate more than one DNA kit on a single Ancestry account. Each kit must be assigned to a different individual.
Can I Buy an AncestryDNA Kit as a Gift?
Yes, you can buy a kit as a gift for someone else. You can choose to ship it directly to their address.
Can I Manage Someone Else’s DNA Results on Ancestry?
Yes, but you’ll need their permission. They can invite you to manage their results from their AncestryDNA settings.
Well, now I hope you will get the detailed information about the Ancestry DNA Activate kit for Someone Else. Here you will get everything about the activation process. If you have any kind of problem then let us know. You will definitely provide you the solution.
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