Explore the intriguing realm of genealogy by learning about the lesser-known shoebox feature on Ancestry. This valuable resource, often unnoticed by users, contains a wealth of information and ancestral data that can help you piece together your family’s history. In “Where is the Shoebox on Ancestry?“, we will guide you through the process of locating this feature, accessing its contents, and utilizing it to discover captivating stories about your ancestors. Enhance your understanding of your family’s past and deepen your connection to your heritage with this informative guide.
How Do I Find My Shoebox on Ancestry
Remember, the Shoebox is a storage place for records you’ve found but aren’t ready to attach to your tree yet. When you’re ready to attach a record, you can do so by opening the record from your Shoebox and choosing ‘Save > Save to someone in your tree’.
Step 1: Go to your homepage on Ancestry: To get to your homepage, click ‘Ancestry’ in the top-left corner of any page on Ancestry.
Step 2: Find the Shoebox feature: Scroll down your homepage until you see the ‘Shoebox’ under the ‘Tools and Resources’ section on the right side of the page.

Step 3: Access your Shoebox: Click ‘Shoebox’ to see the records saved to your Shoebox.
How to Save Records In Shoebox
Step 1: Open the record or record index you are interested in. This could be a census record, a birth certificate, or any other document you find on Ancestry.
Step 2: Click on “Save” usually found towards the top of the record details page.

Step 3: From the drop-down menu that appears, select “Save to your Shoebox”. This will store the record in your Shoebox for later reference.
Note: To open or see your Ancestry Shoebox folder, tap on Ancestry from the top left corner of any page you are on Ancestry account. Now scroll down to the Shoebox section on the Ancestry homepage. Then press on See more.

Note: To delete/remove any records from the Ancestry Shoebox. Tap on the trash icon available next to the record.

How Do I Access My Shoebox on Ancestry App?
Access the Ancestry App: The Shoebox feature is not available on the Ancestry app, so make sure you are using a web browser.
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