Author - admin


How To Make Ancestry Tree Private

You might have the confusion in the mind who is living in the family tree. Then let me tell you that, here people are marked as living. So your account of the ancestry make tree private. Because living people can be only shown to the owner of the tree and if the owner invites the people...

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Ancestry DNA Available Countries List

Now AncestryDNA is available in 34 countries and four continents across the world. With more than 18 million DNA tests in the database, Ancestry is still the largest provider of consumer genetic testing around the globe. Anyone can purchase AncestryDNA tests by clicking here (). Ancestry...

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How to Merge Duplicate People In Ancestry

It is a good habit to merge duplicate people in ancestry to not create any confusion later. While you merge the people in ancestry account, you can manage and select which relationships & you want to keep with the people and which needs to discard. So if you merge the people then you...

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