How to Change the Name, Birth Year, or Gender for Your Ancestry DNA Account

Do you want to change your information on Ancestry DNA test? You can easily make changes to name, gender, and birth year on Ancestry DNA test reports. You can change the name & birth year navigating through the DNA setting page of your account.

How to Change Name, Birth Year, or Gender on Ancestry DNA Test

  • Follow or click on the link (
  • At the DNA setting page, go through test details section on top.
  • Tap on Change” next to Name, Gender, or Birth year on which detail you want to change.
  • Now change the name, birth, or gender. If you have changed the name, click on the “Save” option. Changing the name on DNA test doesn’t affect your name on Ancestry account.

Ancestry DNA Showing Matches Your Name or Username

You have to choose whether you want to show your name or username to DNA matches or not when they see you listed in their matches.

  1. Click on (
  2. Navigate to the display preference section under privacy heading on your DNA setting page
  3. Tap on “Change”, next to display name.
  4. Choose your name or username.


If you want to modify your information on DNA test result, you can do that easily by using above steps. Also you can make changes to your privacy setting for DNA changes to see your name & username.

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