As we all know that without login the account of the DNA, you cannot find the detail of your family history. It is one of the safe and secure ways as the username and the password is only known to the users only. Here the only you will get the result of your DNA test by visiting on the login. In case you have still not log in or you don’t have the account then first you have to create the account. Now scroll down the page and below you will get everything about the process of the ancestry DNA login.
How To Login To Your Ancestry DNA Account
Below, here I am going to share the complete procedure which you need to follow to know how to login to your ancestry DNA account The methods are too easy so that everyone can easily login by going on the login. So let’s have a look-
1). Firstly you have to open the in the web browser.
2). After that you will see on the top-right corner of the display there is the option of the Sign In
3). You have to click on the Sign In option

4). Now you have to enter the email address with the correct password which is Properly registered and then click on Sign In
5). In case you don’t remember the password and the screen is showing the incorrect password
6). Then, in that case, you have to click on the Forgot Password which is given near the green sign in Button.
Well, this was all about the ancestry DNA sign in process and through this article once you sign in then you need to visit this to activate your kit, you will get to know the How to log in the account without having the difficult as below I have shared the simple steps that every user can easily login. But still, you are facing any kind of the issue then let us know by commenting below in the comment box and for cancel your membership you can read how to cancel ancestry subscription article. We will try to solve your problem as soon as we can.
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