How to Upload Photos and Documents in Ancestry?

Would you like to add some photos and documents to your ancestry account? Our guide will help you with the instructions to upload documents and photos to ancestry. Media files that you can upload to ancestry must be of 15 MB or less.  File types that ancestry supports are as following:

  • Images- .jpg, .png, jpeg, .tiff, and .bmp
  • Stories- .doc, .rtf, .txt, .docx, .pdf

If you upload media files to public tree that you will delete or make private in future, the files may continue to remain privately or publicly however you prefer with the people of family tree who saved them to their trees while your family tree was available publicly.

How To Upload Photos & Documents to Ancestry

  • Go to a family tree, tap on a people, and press on the “profile” option from the menu that displays.
  • Through the profile page, press on gallery tab. To search out the photos that other people have uploaded to ancestry, review Searching for photos.
  • From Gallery, press Add” and choose upload photos”.
  • Through the upload photos page, press Choose files”. Also you can drag and drop the photo to the space that has Drag or Click here to upload”.
  • Choose the photo from your system and tap open” or Ok”.
  • Enter the information such as title & date that you want to involve and press Done”.

How To Add Records In Ancestry

You can add own records to ancestry family tree using the facts tab available on an individual’s profile. For the detailed information you can review our article about managing sources in tree.

  • Click on an individual from a family tree. Then press on Profile from the menu that shows.
  • Select Facts from the person’s profile page.
  • Press on “+ Add” and choose Add source from the sources column
  • In Section 1, tap on Create a new source”
  • Fill the information that you have, Leave the fields empty that you didn’t know.
  • Press Save source”.
  • In section 2, enter the information you have.
  • In section 3, choose the facts or events relevant to the sources you are adding (leave blank if you have none).
  • Click on Submit”, once you’ve finished.
  • To add image for the source, in the source column, hover over the sources that you have created and press on the View” button that shows there.
  • Menu that shows there, Choose the Media” tab from the left side, and then tap on + Add media to source”.
  • From the media upload page, press Choose Files”, select the particular file, and enter information about the record.
  • Now tap Done” to upload the media to ancestry.

How To Delete Deleting Media or Documents File In Ancestry

  • Through a family tree, press on the individual whose images or documents you would like to remove. From the appeared menu, press Profile”.
  • To delete a photo from ancestry, press on Gallery” tab and tap the trash icon. Now choose Delete from tree”.
  • To delete a media document, press on Facts” tab, now hover over a source (sources are displayed in the middle column), and press the View” button that displays. In the card that shows, tap on Remove”, and then click Remove Again”.


If you are looking for the best ways to add media files like photos and documents to your ancestry account then this guide will definitely help you. To help you with uploading media files on ancestry account we have updated step by step instructions above on this web page. Write us your feedback to provide a boost on our website.

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